A Story Of Hope And Daydreams Unravelling Before My Eyes...

Today marks the launch of a dreamy jewellery collaboration with my new friend, from Imogen Rose Jewellery. If you had of told my 12 year old self —the self who dreamed of being a fashion designer, only to have that bubble burst after an eye opening work experience— that she would one day launch a jewellery collection, I think she’d be spinning around the room. Oh wait, I’m still spinning around the room.

I live a beautifully creative life (still very imperfect and always will be…I’ll always be a ‘human’, much to the dismay of my perfection loving soul). However I haven’t always lived a beautifully creative life. Much of life has been surviving, swimming through deep pain, a breakdown in my twenties (earlier than most) and a long season of sickness. You can probably relate hey, because… we’re human. But, buried deep in seasons I found myself not wanting to be in, I discovered some life changing truths that I’m still trying to live, daily. Because, well… I’ve found they lead to life. One of the truths is that beauty is everywhere.

On tough days, when I couldn’t walk.. beauty was still everywhere. On days when anxiety still rises in my heart just thinking about going out… beauty is still everywhere. When hopelessness sets in and tries to take my heart hostage, guess what… beauty is everywhere. I think beauty is a gift that shows us something Otherworldly. Something about the Creator. And in moments when I finally give in to being pursued by beauty, I see glimpses of His heart. The care that went into creation was, I believe, just for us. So we’d know how much we are adored.


So Immy and I bring you this collection of jewellery. Our mantra is and always will be:

Adorned with moonstones, as lovely as can be; beauty flows, like a sea of flowers, from the heart beneath.

We celebrate beauty by creating beautiful things. We love to adorn ourselves, are creative with outfits, paint gorgeous canvases, write beautiful poetry books.. but beauty (truest beauty) isn’t seen with human eyes— it is felt and experienced. It flows from our hearts when we cultivate a beautifully healthy heart-home. When we gaze at the burning bright stars— the millions of fairy lights strung across the darkness, just for us.

I love beauty and am so grateful for her presence all around.

So may you wear your jewellery with quiet confidence. May it hang, like a love letter adorning your lovely body— a constant reminder to your soul of where your true beauty comes from— the heart beneath. May you know your intrinsic value— that you were crafted from the wild dreams of a Kind Maker; that your tears are worth more than solid gold; that your laughter is richer than a whole sea of pearls. You are loved more than you’ll ever know!

Would you like to browse our brand new collection?
